MG GP01 WIP Update: Color Scheme

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While waiting for the internals to cure, I made some color scheme for the GP01. I feel like a simple and somewhat monochromatic scheme might work, since Im kindda bored with the traditional white, blue and red color combination for Gundams. Im leaning towards the scheme on the right. I think its more balanced with regards to the distribution of colors.


MG GP01 WIP Update: Paint 1

Just finished painting the internals with a custom mix of metallic colors. So far I like what im seeing. Will let this cure for maybe 3-4 days since I wont be topcoating it.


MG GP01 WIP Update: Prep

Nothing much, I just separated the parts for prepping and sanding (I hate this part of model making) *LOL*. Im planning to paint the internals first since I have no plans applying a topcoat on it. The parts must be fully cured to avoid paint chipping/scrapping. After this I will go straight to painting. Still planning what color scheme to use.


MG GP01 WIP Update: Cement

Been lazy these past few days. So far I cemented all the parts that needs to be sealed. Im still in the progress of doing some pre-painting modifications on the legs, head and feet.



Just wanna share my latest project. Ive been a fan of the Korean modeling scene lately, I fell in love with their simple but clean and flawless builds. So I will try to achieve the same look or feel with this project. There would be no major modifications for this one. Im just planning to use the "Heavy user parts" included in the model kit. So it will just look pretty much OOTB when its done. I also plan to change the color scheme, I prefer a minimalist look on this build, so no bright colors will be used such as yellow or red (maybe on the eyes only).