Trumpeter 1/35 KV-1's Ehkranami Done

Been a while, been busy with the local modeling events here lately. Here's my 3rd attempt on armor modeling. Its a 1/35th scale Russian KV-1 "Ehkranami". Its a pretty straight forward OOTB build. I use Russian Green as my base paint, then toning it a bit with black and white/yellow for the post shade and highlights. Dry-brushed the kit with dark brown and dark gray to simulate scratches, sponge technique was used for the chippings. I also applied a dark brown pinwash and filter. For the mud effect I used Tamiya acrylics mixed with talc and fine sand (many thanks to Fritz for this recipe). Dust and Rust was achieved by using Tamiya weathering sets and oil paints.

Also kudos to Plamo for their tutorials and WIP's. Been a great help and excellent reference for this build.


Trumpeter 1/35 KV-1's Ehkranami: WIP 3

Mud effects applied using acrylics and talc.

Then followed by light dusting.


Trumpeter 1/35 KV-1's Ehkranami: WIP 2

At this point I've already applied the decals (also scratched them a bit to fit the weathered look). Also started with the initial rust color and a pin-wash to raise the details.

A darker color for the rust was applied.

Another layer of rust, this time using Tamiya Weathering Set. A dark brown and light gray filter was also applied.

Here's the turret, instead of drybrushing it with a lighter color, I used dark brown to simulate scratches and chi[[ings. I find this a bit more realistic than the circa way we all used to. Credits to the M Workshop for this technique.


Trumpeter 1/35 KV-1's Ehkranami

Here's what I've been up to for a couple of weeks now. Back to armor modeling, also a break from mechs/Gundam kits. This one will be purely out of the box. Assembly and fitting is quite decent, except for warping on some parts (which can easily be fixed), maybe due to the temperature and storage. A great armor kit specially for those who are new to the genre like me.

Painted the tracks (plastic) black then highlighted it with reddish brown mix and drybrushed with light gray.

Russian Green as base coat.

Post-shaded with a mixture of Russian green + black

Then highlighted it with a mix of Russian Green + Yellow + White