Here's a step by step process on how I usually paint armor kts. First is I apply a primer then paint some areas black usually the panels and edges (photo above).
Next is the application of base coat (which is dark green for this project). Then post-shaded to show shadows on some areas.
After that, I mix my base color usually with white (and yellow) and sprayed on the center of some panels as highlights. This also helps to blend the colors and add an extra depth to the kit.
A coat of gloss clear paint is applied followed by a dark brown (enamel) pin wash. Decals are also applied in this stage.
Optional: Application of filter, this time I only use what most armor modelers call "Dot Filtering". A filter is technically a complement, it also helps to break the monotony of single colored subjects.
Here's the results. Notice the discoloration of some panels.
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